food · slice of life

16″ Sandwich

The final day of my kids’ long weekend was bookended with medical appointments, so there wasn’t much time for fun. After the first appointment, the kids and I walked around the trails and enjoyed the playground in Long’s Park. I needed to grab seedless grapes and Lestoil (Thanks, Linda!). The kids were hungry, so we decided to pick up lunch.

Isabelle decided she wanted a turkey sandwich. “You could go with Ari,” Isabelle told me. (He wanted chicken tenders.)

I walked to the next station to order Ari’s chicken tenders. I glanced back at Isabelle, who was standing at the sandwich shop. “Don’t look at me,” she said.

That’s when I got a hint there might be an issue, but I stayed with Ari. A few minutes later, Isabelle glided toward us with a large brown sandwich sleeve.

“What is that?” I asked Isabelle.

“My sandwich,” she said, nonplussed.

“It’s huge! Tell me you weren’t planning to eat that whole thing.”

“I think I will,” she said.

“You’re not a 300-lb. linebacker. You’re a 12-year-old girl!”


“So? Your father sometimes buys turkey sandwiches like this. He eats it over two days. TWO DAYS! You’re not eating all of that for lunch.”

Isabelle shrugged.

“You’ll eat half today and take the other half to school tomorrow.

Isabelle ate half of the sandwich for lunch. Once she finished, she declared, “Maybe I’m a little bit full.”

Well, I could’ve predicted that!

Sandwich Leftovers
This is the right side of Isabelle’s Planetbox. Here’s what’s left the 8″ half of her sandwich that was left over after carving up the leftover sandwich. That’s correct. The leftover sandwich was so large that it didn’t fit in her lunchbox!
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10 thoughts on “16″ Sandwich

  1. Oh Isabelle! Still, from an outsider’s perspective, this is a pretty harmless (and funny) way to assert her independence – and a day off of lunch making. I love that there were leftovers of the leftovers.

  2. A rather large sandwich! Was it mostly bread? Was it filled only with turkey? I do not like sandwiches with so much bread. I can understand why Isabelle felt stuffed!

    1. She packed the final part of it in for her lunch tomorrow. I was like, “Are you sure?” (Since I worry about how old it will be by tomorrow.) She said she was so… good luck?!

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