
Welcome to Raising Literate Humans*!  I’m delighted you’re here!

I’m an author, literacy specialist, mother, and former classroom teacher (4th and 5th grades).  I’ve been teaching teachers how to implement or refine the teaching of writing using the workshop model since 2009. I also work as an adjunct professor for graduate students.

The Annual Pennsylvania Writing Institute at Millersville University was the first speaking engagement I did a few months after giving birth to my daughter.  I was introduced by Donna Topping, one of the co-directors of the Institute, whose words touched me in a way no other introduction has ever done.  She told the audience a bit about me, my book, my teaching background, and then said I was presently undertaking one of the most important jobs of all.  She said I was “raising a literate human being.”  Those five words resonated with me.  They almost became like a mission statement for my daily work as a mother.  I started a Twitter account a few months later with the username of @raisealithuman.  (In 2016, I changed my Twitter handle to @sshubitz.) Naturally, when I got a well-needed push from a colleague (who attended the Institute at Millersville and another speech I gave in February 2012) to start a blog about reading, I called it Raising a Literate Human.

I’ve been blogging professionally about the teaching of writing on Two Writing Teachers since 2007.  I am a New York State certified literacy specialist.  I received my M.A. from the Literacy Specialist Program at Teachers College at Columbia University.

On a personal front: I love to cook, so I’m constantly trying new recipes. After going gluten-free in 2015, I taught myself to bake everything from cake to cookies to gluten-free pies. As a result, I tend to blog a lot about food too. A New Yorker by birth, I enjoy eating my way through Manhattan whenever I go back for a visit.  I grew up regularly attending synagogue, so Judaism plays a significant role in my adult life. I love to travel too! My happy place is on the beach with my family in Maine.

* = In 2016, I gave birth to a son so now I’m raising TWO literate humans. Therefore, this blog’s name changed from Raising a Literate Human to Raising Literate Humans.



8 thoughts on “About

  1. Stacey,
    I am loving your new blog! It is so informative! Thank you for all of the great research and information you have put here!
    I appreciate your effort! Can I grab your raising a literate human button? I love it!

    1. @Amy: Thanks for the kind words.
      YES, please grab the button. When you click on the image, it will take you to the post where the button originally resided. Just click on the image again to open it. Then right-click on it and hit “save as.”

  2. I love that you are raising a literate human! Parenting is the most important role in life, and raising a child who loves to read and write and become a fully literate human is a great part of that – great because it’s important, and great because it’s fun!

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