dress-up · Jewish · slice of life

Things I’m Pretty Sure of Today

It’s late and I’m falling back on a format I use when I’m short on time.

Isabelle wore a clown wig on her bus ride home in an effort to get into the Purim spirit. I have no idea where she got it!

Things I’m Pretty Sure of Today: Having your baby sleep through the night again is better than a new piece of jewelry; My heart filled with pride when Isabelle’s teacher lent me her drawing and writing book, which is filled with her Kid Writing; Isabelle is much more into Purim than I ever was as a kid; My father saved the day (yet again) by stepping in to help Isabelle with her Purim costume; I need to pull back from a project that got forced upon me. This became crystal clear when Isabelle walked into my office and said, “You’re working at your computer again?!!?”; I enjoyed going out for dessert with several Kindergarten moms tonight, but I was delighted to return home in time to put Ari to sleep.


Head over to https://twowritingteachers.org for more slice of life stories.

14 thoughts on “Things I’m Pretty Sure of Today

  1. Things I’m pretty sure of today…love this format because it reflects on your day and how you’re feeling in this moment in this life. This sounds like the perfect way to reflect on the priorities.

  2. This is a great format, Stacey, and very enjoyable to read! Love the photo of Isabelle in her clown wig. She is so precious! It is good to hear that you took some time for yourself to go out for dessert with some kindergarten moms.

  3. Sleeping children are the best at all ages. I know how precious those moments are for regenerating your own self.

  4. A mother of 8 kids, when they were younger, for certain I would choose a good nights sleep over jewels. My perspective has shifted though now that I am older. Jewels are pretty awesome!

  5. I love this format and the glimpse into your day. As a new slicer, I’m definitely using a lot of bloggers as mentors and bookmarking posts with different structures. Thanks for adding a new structure to my list!

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