slice of life

Pink Tails

“I want pink tails tomorrow,” Isabelle told me as I showered her last night.

“You want what?” I asked.

“Pink tails!” she declared.

“What are you talking about?” I asked, perplexed.

“I want to wear pink tails to school tomorrow,” she responded.

“Do you mean pigtails?” I asked.

“Yes!” she replied.

We practiced slowing down the word pigtails a few times. Then, I agreed to it.

For anyone who knows my daughter, she wears her shoulder-length curly hair down every day. Her bangs, which are grown-out, are held back by a bow that is color-coordinated with her outfit. The only time she doesn’t wear her hair like this is when she goes swimming.

“Why do you want to wear pigtails tomorrow?” I asked.

“I’m getting my hair cut short on Friday and I want to wear them before I cut it,” she replied.

“Well, that’s a good reason,” I replied. “After your shower, I’ll need to put your hair in pigtail buns on the top of your head. Then, in the morning, we’ll take it down and put the pigtails in your hair. Unless, of course, the pigtail buns bother you when you lay down in bed. Then we’ll need a new plan.” (NOTE: You cannot brush dry curly hair, which is why I had to prepare for this hair event the night before.)

“Okay, mommy,” she replied.

This morning, Isabelle stood still while I removed the buns from her hair and brushed her still-wet hair into two pigtails. She was BEYOND excited for her new ‘do.

BTW: How perfect was this t-shirt for the first day of the Slice of Life Story Challenge? (She wanted to wear it when we picked out her clothes last night. Ironic, right?!?!?)

Tomorrow, it’s back to wearing hair down with a bow… unless she asks for pigtails (or even pink tails) again.

39 thoughts on “Pink Tails

  1. How cute is she?? Love that she called them pink tails! We have been dressing up this week for Dr. Seuss week. When I first read it, I thought maybe she wanted to be a pig with a pink tail. Today is dress like an animal day, so that’s probably why. Cute slice!

      1. Thanks! I found out about today’s dress up day around 3 pm yesterday. It was the first thing I came up with and THANKFULLY she liked the idea.

    1. Thanks so much for that compliment! I know you’re new to this blog, so I’ll give you a little back story. My daughter was diagnosed with Childhood Apraxia of Speech when she was 27 months old. I started capturing her conversations with me as soon as she could talk. It’s one of the main goals of my writing since it allows me to look back and see how far she’s come as a talker. So I’m glad her voice came through loud and clear!

  2. Love! As a mom of two curly haired little girls, I completely understand the prep! Your comment totally drew me in- I had to know what pink tails were!

    1. I like it better too!
      She wants it pretty short before summer sets in (& she has to keep it longer so we can put it in ponytails for swimming). She thinks it will be easier to manage if it is shorter. Im’ like,”Um… hi! I’m the one who manages your hair!”
      We will see how brace she is when the scissors come out tomorrow afternoon.

    1. She’s actually not a big Dr. Seuss reader. Hopefully that’ll change today when her teacher brings in a bunch of Dr. Seuss books for the kids to explore. Some things are better when your teacher shows you the way!

  3. I just love the conversation about “pink tails” and the wonderful photo of Isabelle wearing the perfect T-shirt for Slice of Life month! I was thinking “pink tails” because they would be tied off with pink ribbons. I really like Isabelle’s name for the hairstyle even better! A delightful snapshot!

  4. Love it!!! I still remember some of the words my kids confused or mispronounced when they were little. I miss that stage so much! Is she still getting her hair cut short on Friday?? I love her hair. It is amazing you have time to do that every night with all you have going on.

    1. I share the link to the previous day’s post. Basically, I’m writing for 32 days straight. (More on that in my call for slices announcement tomorrow morning.)

  5. I love how you were able to capture this precious interaction. It made me laugh. You’ll remember this every Dr. Seuss day. BTW, I can’t believe how big she is!

  6. Thanks for sharing your story with your daughter – aren’t little girls precious? I have a grand daughter with that curly long hair dilemma also. I keep trying to convince her to get it cut. How did yours agree to have it cut?

    1. It was her decision. She claims it’ll be “easier to manage,” but she must’ve heard that somewhere since I’m the one who does her hair and don’t have a problem managing it (yet).

  7. Claire has fine curly hair and it is the worst to brush…wet or dry! I comb it in the shower while it is full of conditioner. Good luck with the hair cut!

  8. This is SOOO cute!!! Pink tails…adorable and priceless. Like Michelle, I like that name better. I have curly hair, and my daughters have even curlier hair, so I know all about the dry brushing. Ha! LOVE the photo! I hope we get a photo of the “After” haircut!

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