raising boys · slice of life · sports

Change of Plans

New Coach.
New Time.
New Backpack.
New Field.
New Spectator.

Child carrying a baseball backpack up a hill.
Ari and I had to find the field after we parked.

The new spectator is me, not Daddy. And he is bummed.

Marc was the assistant coach for Ari’s baseball team for the past two seasons. However, coaching little kids in coach-pitched baseball wasn’t a good choice since he’s just over six months past arm surgery. So, he didn’t volunteer to coach this season.

“Will you still come and watch me play?” (Of course.)
“Will you come to my practices?” (Unless I’m on service, I’ll be there.)

This afternoon was the first practice of the season. Daddy is on service. He told me he’d try to get home to meet Ari at practice.

We talked at noon. “It’s been busy, but it’s still possible,” Marc said.

“Let’s touch base at 3 p.m.”

3 p.m. came and went. I felt I knew the answer, but I texted anyway.

“There’s no way I can leave before 5,” he replied.

“Got it,” I said.

Sage-colored Yeti Straw Cup in a Cup HOlder with a baseball field in the background.
Next time, I think I’ll pack a mug of tea!

Once Ari returned from school (Yes, school! He was fever-free yesterday, so he returned to school tonight.), I dug my kickback rocker from the back of our garage. I loaded it into my trunk. I packed up my iPad, grabbed a hat, and poured a new glass of ice water. I was ready for my first-ever baseball practice. (Seriously! I’ve been to plenty of games but have never attended a practice.)

Here I am, listening to my audiobook, watching Ari work with new coaches and a group of kids he’s never met. I know Ari would rather have Marc out in the field pitching balls to him and his teammates, but it’s a gorgeous, crisp spring day, so I am not complaining about my present situation.

Head over to http://twowritingteachers.org on Tuesdays for more slice of life stories.

11 thoughts on “Change of Plans

  1. I love how you describe this interplay of intentions: Marc’s arm surgery and work commitments, Ari’s committment to baseball, and your unflagging commitment to your son. Beautiful!

  2. I’ve decided I enjoy practices. Like you I take lots to keep myself busy and enjoy myself. Claire’s been playing volleyball so it’s all indoors. A spot outside would be lovely!

  3. Ari might wish Marc was there – but he probably loves looking over and seeing you there too. I love how you described this part of parenting. My kids were usually too shy for me to sit on a chair and chill at things like that when they were young … but occasionally I could!

  4. Looks like a beautiful day for a lot of new things. Glad Ari is on the mend & that you get to be outdoors & watching him. Here’s hoping Marc gets plenty of time out there, too.

  5. Glad to hear he’s feeling better enough for school and baseball! I loved the dialogue in parentheses, never thought about doing it that way but it made for a fun read.

  6. Whoa…you’re stepping into new territory!

    And yes, I’m sure that Ari would love to see Marc out there, but I also think it’s pretty cool he gets to see you too.

    Hopefully baseball weather is kind to you, and if not…hand warmers and blankets are a GREAT investment! =)

  7. I feel like growing up sports were often my dad and my thing, but as I got older, I came to appreciate my mom being at everything and being my biggest fan!! I’m sure it will one day (if not now too) mean a lot to see you there supporting him.

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