post-op life · slice of life

Green Smoothie for One, But Made by Two #sol20

Day four of my post-op life left me wanting (No, make that needing.) a green smoothie this afternoon. While Ari is from the green-smoothie drinkers, he is not from the smoothie makers. I mean, he wants to help, but helping — for him — means throwing in some spinach, dumping in some ingredients in a measuring cup, and pushing the blender buttons.

So, I tasked my husband with smoothie making this afternoon. About 30 minutes went by between the time I selected my smoothie of choice and the time it was brought upstairs. When it arrived, I sensed it was a team effort since it was delivered by Marc and Ari.

Marc said something like I-hope-you-like-it or make-sure-it’s-good, which had me wondering if they followed the recipe.

Reluctantly, I took a sip. That’s when the sweetness of my favorite smoothie coated my mouth. I swallowed and declared, “It’s delicious! Perfect! Just like I make it.”

“High five?” Marc asked Ari.

Ari celebrated their success with a high five.

Since I’m in bed for a few weeks, I knew that was going to be my slice of life story for today so I made them reenact their high five for blogging purposes. 😏

Blueberry-Apple Smoothie (Adapted from Green Blender)

  • 1 cup spinach
  • 12 oz. filtered water
  • 1 cup frozen blueberries
  • 1 medium apple
  • 1 cup hemp hearts
  • 1 cup apple cider vinegar (I use Vermont Village’s Blueberry Honey apple cider vinegar.)
  • 1 tbsp. agave nectar
    Blend spinach and water. Add in the rest of the ingredients. Blend until smooth (about one minute). Enjoy.

28 thoughts on “Green Smoothie for One, But Made by Two #sol20

  1. Seems like it was a winner all around…and the fact you are bedridden and not able to clean up after the making must surely be another silver lining…

  2. Great story and especially the high-five photo! Thanks for sharing the recipe. I am going to try it! Get strong and do not push yourself too hard, Stacey. Sending you warm wishes and love!

    1. It is one of the Green Blender ones that I adapted and made my own. If you liked GB as much as I did, then I think you’ll like this one. It is my go-to afternoon smoothie snack.

  3. What a great story and I have to agree with Lynne, about the photograph too! I have been on the lookout for a green smoothie snack- might have to adapt some of the ingredients but thank you so much for the inspiration!

  4. Absolutely precious! Reminds me of my childhood trying out my kitchen experiments on my parents- with varied results. I’m glad their smoothie experiment was a success and that you got your delicious green drink! I may have to try this smoothie out myself!

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