Hershey · slice of life

Gaining Perspective #sol19

We posed for a photo once the kids finished their jaunt through Treatville.

Five weeks ago I injured my ankle. As I lay on the floor — writhing in childbirth-like pain — I knew my life was about to become different. The x-rays at the ER told me what I already suspected. My ankle was broken. An MRI two-and-a-half weeks later gave a bleaker picture.

In the middle of it all, we moved from the townhouse we were renting to the house we were building. Despite wanting to unpack everything myself, I heeded several people’s advice to follow my doctor’s orders to stay off of my ankle. I sat and directed the movers. I sat and directed my husband. I sat and directed my parents and in-laws.

It’s been five long weeks of sitting. And there are more weeks of sitting to come.

If you know me personally, then you know I’ve been in the habit of working out six days a week for the past couple of years. That, too, came to a screeching halt. (Interesting fact: I was on my way upstairs to change into gym clothes when I remembered something I had to do downstairs. Then, BAM, I missed three steps!) I haven’t taken that too well.

Fall is my favorite season and I’ve missed the last five weeks of it. I have been pretty bitter about that fact, but then I realized there was one fall activity — Hersheypark in the Dark — I could still enjoy with my kids.

So, yesterday, I threw $38 at the problem, rented a scooter, and zipped around Hersheypark. I was thrilled to go on some low-key rides, eat greasy park food, and witness Isabelle and Ari zoom through Treatville. I didn’t complain once about how much pain I was in or how I knew my foot was swelling up from not having it elevated.  Nope. I smiled through the pain and soldiered on because being outside with Marc and the kids was much better than laying in bed watching everyone unpack boxes. (And believe me, there are still many boxes that need to be unpacked!)

Things are good when I am working, driving kids to and from activities/appointments, cooking, and doing laundry all while trying to squeeze-in a daily workout. I didn’t realize how fortunate I was until something as basic as my ability to walk independently disappeared. It’ll take awhile, but I will be able to walk again.

I’ll admit to being a begrudging Hersheypark season pass holder. I’ve always felt fortunate that we’re able to afford season passes. (One makes up the cost in as little as three visits per year!) I’ve been bemoaning our weekends there for at least a year by telling Marc, “Our kids need to realize there’s more to life than Hersheypark.” However, as I gunned my scooter up one of Hersheypark’s infamous hills, I decided that once I am able to conquer the hills on foot again, I will no longer complain about being there too often. Isabelle and Ari love it there. While the beach and New York City are my happy places, Hersheypark is theirs. Truth be told, I love witnessing them happy there.

Look for me next spring. I plan to be the grateful lady who is able to walk the park on foot with her family again.

29 thoughts on “Gaining Perspective #sol19

  1. “so yesterday, I threw $38 at the problem” – that line turned the whole piece. It made me laugh and cheer for you! Here’s to healing thoughts for you and that positive, appreciative attitude will move you towards walking on two feet in no time! Here’s to you and Hershey Park!

  2. I love this post- really loved the line about how you “gunned up your scooter”. This has been so hard. But it’s the gratitude that helps us when the sorrow hits- remembering something, anything, we can be thankful for! Spring will be here soon enough, my friend, and I know you’ll be tackling those hill!

  3. I was wondering how you were doing. Sounds like you are still managing to find some fun in amongst the change of plans. Hope you are feeling better and better (and the boxes will wait).

  4. Oh, I’m so sorry to hear about this. And what a tough time for it to occur. Knowing your personality, it must be so hard to sit during this time of your move. Hugs and kudos for going with your kids to their happy place!

  5. Sorry to hear about your injury and resulting challenges. It is so true that we often take things for granted until we can’t do them. I have several health issues that on any given day make walking and standing difficult, and sometimes I decline invitations and trips because of it, but your post reminded me to seize the moment and hope for better days. Thanks.

  6. Ouch. I am sorry to hear about your broken ankle. Please take it slow, and let others to take care of you. You need it to fully recover, to return to your active life. Sending lots of good vibes your way.

  7. Glad you’re blogging again, but – oh! the ankle! That can’t be easy. Still, you’ve made the most of it here with $38, a scooter and a (momentarily) good attitude. May you find more metaphorical scooters to help gun your way up those metaphorical hills until your not-at-all metaphorical ankle heals.

  8. welcome back. It’s so hard to let others do, but I’m sure they wanted to help and felt amazing doing a little for you. Hooray you for finding a work around so you could enjoy your family tradition. Hope you are truly up and about soon.

  9. What a terrible injury! I am so sorry to hear that this happened to you. I hope that your ankle mends beautifully. So glad that you are finding it possible to count blessings!

  10. I am sorry to hear about your ankle, but I love that you are able to find the bright moments that can carry you through until you are up and moving again. I hope your recovery is complete soon and congratulations on the new house.

  11. Seeds of joy are yet to come, and right now, they are in images you can dream about in the spring. That will be a lovely time. Crazy how three steps can have such a shattering effect. Always wishing you the best.

  12. Glad you are feeling well enough to venture out, even for a short time. And hooray! You’ve finally moved in (though only partially). Now life can move forward and you won’t be in the waiting pattern (expect for waiting for the ankle to heal.)

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