books · slice of life

Book Birthday

I didn’t realize it was March 29th when I woke up this morning. Maybe it’s because I woke up with a smashing headache for the second day in a row. Or maybe it is because my body still aches from this week’s stomach bug. (Thankfully, I haven’t thrown up in over 48 hours so the worst is behind me.) Either way, after a few hours I realized IT WAS MARCH 29TH, which is also my latest book’s birthday!

Once I had this realization, I checked the UPS tracking Stenhouse provided. The book was still in transit. Despite wanting to convalesce all day, I knew I needed to make myself presentable for my #StenhouseSelfie.

It’s amazing what a little makeup and a flat iron can do for someone who is under the weather. I smiled into the mirror and realized I looked healthy enough for a photo with my book.

This afternoon, my book arrived and I was as ready as I could possibly be for a photo. It took me more than 20 times to capture the right angle while balancing the book. Before I shared it on social media, I sent it to my husband. His response was everything.

I’m hoping to celebrate the publication of Welcome to Writing Workshop tomorrow. Here’s to hoping I’m feeling up to it by the time tomorrow comes!

36 thoughts on “Book Birthday

  1. Congratulations!!! That must be an amazing feeling… even if you still aren’t feeling great. Looking at the photo, I laughed, imagining you taking photo after photo until you got it just right.

  2. Congrats Stacey! You look fabulous – especially seeing how ill you were this week. May there be sunny days ahead for you.

  3. Congratulations on your book birthday. It must be wonderful to see the fruits of your efforts come to life! You are beaming with pride in that photo!

  4. Your picture is great! And I can’t wait to read it– I’ve already read what I can on the Stenhouse website. Congratulations, and Happy Day After Book Birthday! Feel better and celebrate! The world is going to LOVE this one!

  5. Perfect ending to a slice that starts out with the woes of being sick! CONGRATULATIONS! Welcome to the world to your latest book! I will be getting my hands on it and soon and look forward to reading and learning! Feel better! Thanks for sharing! (GREAT PIC!)

  6. Happy Book Birthday! No midnight feedings for this baby! It’s a gorgeous book so I’m excited to see you and Lynne on #G2Great next week as well as author the blog post about our chat! (Yep, Marc is right!) ❤

  7. Big congratulations, Stacey! Love this line: “I smiled into the mirror and realized I looked healthy enough for a photo with my book.” Picture came out great, and I’m so excited for what lies ahead for you and the new book 🙂

  8. Congratulations!!! Happy book birthday! So very exciting for you. I can’t wait to read it! You look great. Your husband is right in that you would never know you were sick!

  9. So exciting! Looks like an awesome book! I’m putting it on my list for summer reading! Congratulations — and I’m glad you are feeling better after the stomach bug!

  10. It must be so magical to crank out yet another book! I know that an extreme amount of effort goes into each birth, and I’m sure this one’s no exception. May your newest offspring bring you much joy!

  11. Happy Book Birthday, Stacey. I am excited for you. Even in the midst of feeling under the weather, you look like you are fresh and ready to celebrate! (I am under the weather and don’t think I could rally like you did.)

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