slice of life · travel

Homeward Bound

I texted my parents, my mother-in-law, and Marc as soon as my plane’s wheels touchdown at MDT. That’s when I got this text from Marc:

(1) Siri isn’t my friend when I text. (See red marks.) (2) A plane taxiing down the jetway makes an iPhone think you are driving.

Typically, Isabelle is asleep — or in pjs — when I return home from trips. But not today! Today, I am getting picked up by two people. And that makes me happy.

Smiling in the terminal. (Geographical point of reference: Three Mile Island in the background.)

I adore traveling to new places and working with teachers. But I love being home with my family.

21 thoughts on “Homeward Bound

  1. A change in routine with a surprise is all good. We had a surprise last night and it was pure joy – today’s post for me too.

  2. Oh, I love, love, love being greeted (or welcomed home) by one of the kids. Unfortunately, like everything, the two younger ones are the only ones excited. The two older ones say, “Dad, where have you been the last few days? Did you go somewhere?” UGH!

  3. It might be easier if the phone would not try so hard to read our minds or infer situations. Returning home is always such a happy time. I am looking forward to it tomorrow. I have been away since Thursday.

  4. There is nothing so wonderful to me as coming home to my family. And GOSH do those Siri misspellings get on my last nerve -! They can be funny – and, occasionally – alarming …

  5. You look so good upon arrival! Oh man I wish I looked that rested and relaxed when I get off a plane! Cute slice though. I remember many many morning picking and dropping my dad off at the airport as he traveled my whole life. Departures came with mini Cinnabon’s for breakfast and arrivals with a special souvenir from him. The travel was incorporated into my childhood in a fun way and I know you’ll be able to do the same for them. They miss you I’m sure but everything is still sooooo exciting at their age. You’ve got this, mama. 😊

    1. I’ve got to get better about the souvenirs. I sometimes did it when it was just Isabelle, but stopped now that there are two of them. I thought of buying them both something, but there were so many tzchotchkes at the airport that I resisted and bought them nothing.
      Maybe a sweet treat next time.

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