slice of life · speech

I Love You and Bye-Bye

img_6250I was going through the camera roll on my phone earlier and noticed a 37-second video that I accidentally shot. I watched and listened. It captures the final moments of my parents’ five-day visit to our home. It is raw, unscripted, and bumpy. I thought about deleting it, but instead, I uploaded it to YouTube and am calling it my slice of life story for today since it marks me remarking on Ari trying to say some very special words to my parents: “I love you.”

Last night, without any prompting, Ari attempted to say “I love you” to Isabelle. Today, he did the same thing to my parents as they went home. Even though I’m not keeping track of his words, I am keeping track of milestones and this felt like a milestone worth preserving.

As accidental as the video was, I felt the need to pull out the voice memo recorder on my phone to try to replicate the “I love you” I had heard earlier in the morning. Here’s what I got:

Pretty cute, eh?

35 thoughts on “I Love You and Bye-Bye

  1. THAT is adorable! My oldest’s next milestone is getting off her parent’s insurance…but for some reason that isn’t quite as cute as “I love you!” 🙂

  2. Oh, this was too precious, Stacey! I would have also quickly deleted the accidental video … but I’m so glad that you stopped yourself from deleting it!! Special words captured!! Thanks for sharing this little, yet very important, snippet in your life!

  3. Oh my goodness Stacey, what a precious moment. He has the most adorable voice. My daughter has just started saying I love you too. I can tell your heart melts as much as mine does when you hear it!

  4. I love how you so seamlessly integrate technology into your posts. It inspires me to try to take the time to do this. And of course your son said I love you!

  5. Wow, that is definitely a keeper. I am the “family photographer” and I always annoy everyone with setting up the family portraits but the candids are what steal our hearts. Congratulations to your little one, Ari!

  6. Oh, I just love this! It reminds me that we had our second born’s baby giggle on Todd’s old Blackberry. What a treasure! Thanks so much for sharing. Sweet baby sounds, they’re here, then they’re not.

  7. I have missed you this week!! So many slicers hard to find people. Love this- sometimes technology pays off!!! I love you are so good words to capture. Hope you are getting some sleep!

    1. I’m doing a terrible job of getting around to everyone since I’m trying to balance new Slicers with people I’ve written alongside for years. We’re all doing the best we can!

  8. Thanks for sharing this “happy accident.” You took the time to explain how it came to be and why it was significant. Now it is an inspiration for others!

  9. So sweet! Best words ever! Incidentally, I was taking a random picture of my daughter today (she was very proud of herself for having figured out how to hang up one of her toy plates on a cabinet by sticking giant stickers all around it) and out of the blue, she said, “I love you, Mommy!” right as the Live photo was being taken… so now I have an adorable Live photo of her standing by a plate covered in stickers, telling me that she loves me! ❤

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