food · slice of life

Baking by Myself

Last week, I realized it had been a long time since I had baked with Isabelle. So when I saw Bob’s Red Mill was running a sale, I decided to order some gluten-free baking staples. Despite earning free shipping, the products arrived in two days. Therefore, I knew we’d be able to bake this weekend.

Isabelle and I used to bake with each other constantly. However, once Ari came along, we’ve only baked together twice. (I can’t blame it all on Ari. We have time to bake. The real problem is my lack of self-control. I’m trying to take off the baby weight I gained and the less sweets that are in the house, the better it is for my waistline!)

I announced to Isabelle that we were going to make bread from scratch. I was beyond excited. After all, bread was something I could eat without feeling the guilt, of say, a piece of pie or chocolate chip cookies. However, not long after I told Isabelle about my plan, she told me she didn’t want to bake bread with me.

Once I told her my feelings were hurt, she agreed to bake with me, but said, “I’m not going to eat it.”

This morning, once the yeast came home from the grocery store, I got to work making my own gluten-free flour and measuring the ingredients into the mixing bowl — by myself. That’s right. In the end, Isabelle decided she didn’t want to bake with me. The closest thing I got to a baking partner was Ari staring at me in the kitchen from his jumperoo.

The bread smelled good so, fortunately, Isabelle changed her tune. She asked to try a slice at dinnertime.

If you read yesterday’s slice of life story, then I have a feeling that you won’t be shocked when I tell you she didn’t like it. Her loss. I’m the only one in the house who cannot eat gluten, which means there’s more for me.

Sticky-sticky dough
I sprayed the ball of dough with water, which gave it a great crust.
The dough ball looked more like a matzoh ball to me than bread.
Just out of the oven.
Nicely browned bottom.
Digging into the loaf.
Head over to for more slice of life stories.

16 thoughts on “Baking by Myself

  1. I understand! Lily never wants to cook with us – BUT she loves to make up her own recipes and do it completely herself without us touching it. Amazingly, her concoctions always come out pretty good!

  2. The bread looks great, and I imagine Isabelle just has no interest until it’s something she likes. When I cook Ingrid usually wants to do more than Imogene does. But both like it when they get to cut vegetables and apples for pie. Ha! I think it’s because it’s rather dangerous & a big privilege. They do great!

  3. I have to be gluten free also. Never have come across bread I liked, and now that I’m low carb, I can’t eat any of it anyway! But, that said, this did look delicious. I’d recommend getting those knives out. She might be inspired to chop some bread off to eat it! Or maybe make some applesauce with you!

  4. i’m impressed that you made the bread from scratch!! Sorry that she didn’t want to enjoy the process with you!

  5. Kids…you just never know what to expect. My son never really wanted to bake or cook with me. He likes to sample the goods, but doesn’t want to make them. My oldest daughter wants to cook and bake more than I do, which is a whole different challenge. My youngest daughter likes to help but only when it’s her idea. My middle daughter is more wishy-washy. She likes to do cooking challenges with her big sister (Thank you Food Network), but that’s about it. Although, if I’m making cookies…she’s happy to help clean the spoon and bowl for me. I’ve just learned to take the help when I have it and not take it personally when I don’t. 🙂

  6. For some reason I was reminded of The Little Red Hen. Maybe because Isabelle didn’t want to bake, but decided to try a piece. By the way, that bread looks delicious. I have tried to make breads before, but I always mess up the yeast part.

  7. Looks good. So far Michelle’s girls like to help Grandma when I bake, but we’ve never tried bread from scratch!

  8. My daughter is 24 and she doesn’t like to cook with me either…truth be known…she doesn’t know how! My epic fail so keep trying! 🙂

  9. Yum! I too was reminded of the little red hen! And It’s funny that a big hunk of leavened bread reminds us of a matzoh ball! Almost that time again…

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