OBSERVATIONS · slice of life

A Dose of Mommy Guilt

My husband votes for the comfy shoes on the right. But aren’t the ones on the left SO much cuter?!!?

I thought my biggest decision today would be deciding between these two pairs of shoes to wear to the Bat Mitzvah we’re attending tonight.

20140301-184409.jpgHowever, Isabelle woke up congested after her nap (Yes, she’s napping again! Thank G-d!).  She didn’t want to get up, which broke my heart considering we’re heading out tonight. How could I leave her with a babysitter when she had a runny nose?

Enter mommy guilt.

As the next couple of hours progressed, I discovered it was just a cold.  No fever. No cough. But I still feel guilty. Therefore, I wrote her a little note that I placed atop her book pile in her bedroom.


And now she’s sitting in my office happily watching the Maccabeats while I type this.  We’re going to the Bat Mitzvah tonight. I’m taking my dose of mommy guilt with me. Though I’m still not sure which shoes I will wear.

A few Maccabeats videos for my under-the-weather kiddo.


Edited at 11:30 pm: Isabelle did fine with the babysitter. And I went with the comfy shoes. My feet are thankful!


25 thoughts on “A Dose of Mommy Guilt

  1. I know the feeling well. But they somehow manage without us, at least for a little while. Gigi was very sick this week and it broke my heart to be at work all day while my baby was sick. I will probably feel the same way when she’s in college and beyond.

  2. If you are like me, we rarely go out! I find it doubly hard to leave if she is sick. Wear the uncomfy shoes! That’s why people dance barefooted at the end of the night!

    1. I went for the comfy shoes. They’re so ugly & definitely don’t compliment the cute black lace dress I’m wearing. But with how bad my feet are I know I’ll be happy tomorrow.

  3. Your note to Isabelle, complete with picture prompts, is priceless. I’m glad you discovered it was just a cold; hopefully, tomorrow will be much better. I’m also glad you were able to have a fun date night! Good stuff :).

  4. It’s also nice to be just you and your husband too. I bet Isabelle had a great time with the sitter. That Mommy guilt (I think) comes from magazine & tv ads, surreptitiously telling women what’s best for being a good mommy. Love seeing you all dressed up, even with comfy shoes!

  5. I once heard a quote about mother guilt…..
    “Mothers are like travel agents, they are into guilt trips.”
    We all do it and when they grow up they say “really, did you feel guilty for that, you are crazy.” Thanks for sharing and reminding me of how lovely it is to have little ones….colds and all.

    1. Thank you! She woke up at 11:45 p.m. When we tucked her back in at 12:30, she “read” the note to me. She said, “books,” “me and Nikki,” and “clock turn green.” It was BEYOND sweet!

  6. Mommy guilt is one powerful force. I still have it….and my kids are grown up, so to speak. It’s like the shoes, however, you try to do the best for all the people in your life (including your feet) and that means that sometimes, you have to go out when you want to be home or where “practical” shoes when your heart is in the wild high heels. I guess that is what being an adult is really about?

  7. Just to let you know – Mommy Guilt never really goes away; it just is embodied in different formats. As a mother to two grown daughters, 23 and 26 years old, respectively, it still is like a punch in the stomach if they ask for help and I don’t think I can realistically meet their needs.
    On the other hand, you look beautiful and I’m glad your feet are happy today.

  8. Parenting can be so hard at times. Even with kids 17 and 21, there is still a type of guilt. I am so glad she did well with the babysitter. I hope you were able to let the mommy guilt take a backseat for at least a little while you enjoyed some time away with your husband.

    1. Our daughter was invited to go to the Bat Mitzvah with us, but it started at 7:30 and she goes to bed at 8:00 so we got a babysitter. I’m glad we did, despite the mommy guilt I had. We had so much fun eating, talking, and dancing together. (AND we got to have conversations with other adults without being worried about where she was all of the time.)

  9. Stacey,
    Love your little note…I’m sure she knows what an awesome mom and dad she has…and try not to feel guilty, although not an easy thing to do.
    Glad you had a night out and wore comfy shoes to honor your feet!

  10. That mommy guilt never leaves! My daughter will be 30 this year – and there are still times I feel guilty – about not being able to get together with her, not being there when she’s sick. Just means we love them and want the best for them! So glad you had a wonderful evening and your daughter is well.

  11. So glad you were able to have your time out. It’s hard when they are little and when they are bog. I have two kiddos 12, and 16 with colds. I’m already worried about getting up in the night with them. And they don’t even nap anymore!

  12. I cannot dance without the comfy shoes nowadays! Age! Anyway, glad you went, glad you had the right shoes, and glad that Isabelle did fine. They almost always do!

  13. I love the note you left for her. I haven’t heard of the clocks that change color, but what a great way to signal whether it is time to get up for the day or not!

    I am glad that you had a nice evening with your husband (despite the Mommy guilt).

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