Jewish · slice of life · writing

Taking a Cue from Jack Gantos

Last weekend, Jack Gantos spoke (at SCBWI) about getting ready for a day of writing. I am giving a D’var Torah at our synagogue’s Chaverim Shabbat this-coming Saturday. I don’t even have a full first draft written since I’ve been having so much wrist pain! My husband took Isabelle out for breakfast and to do the food shopping so I could have more time to work on it this morning. Therefore, I wanted to get everything set up, just like Jack Gantos does, before I started writing so I wouldn’t have to leave my desk.  My equipment is here. I have a goal for the day (GET THIS THING WRITTEN WELL!).  I am thinking positively (I WILL GET THIS WRITTEN WELL!).  It’s crunch time. So here goes…

This image tells a story. It’s interactive, but only if you view it on ThingLink. Check it out by going to clicking on the image above.
Check out the other slice of life stories at
Check out the other slice of life stories at Two Writing Teachers.

13 thoughts on “Taking a Cue from Jack Gantos

  1. Getting everything set up is such a good idea…yet, I can get caught up in this step! I LOVE the interactive image. I’m intrigued!!!! Thanks for introducing me to a new way to share images.

  2. Jack Gantos is great. He was guest speaker at out Young Writers Academy a few years ago and really inspired my as well as our young writers.

  3. Ready, set, go! I hope you were successful and got the whole thing written well! I love the interactive story image. It just makes me realized how behind the tech times I really am!

  4. I could have used that ThingLink for my post yesterday. You look ready, but mostly isn’t is applying BIC (butt in chair)? Happy working, by now you are probably finished.

  5. My dearest Stacey,
    You are very clever. What a fun idea. I will make sure my typist does this with one of my stories. “Mrs. Hodges, did you see how cool this is?”
    “Yes, Pooh I did.”
    I love to read your stories, especially the one’s about your daughter.
    I am so sorry your wrist hurts.
    A sore wrist is devastating to a writer. The world needs to read your words. I hope you feel better soon.
    All the best,
    Love Pooh
    (Mrs. Hodges wanted to say hello too.)
    Hello Stacey,
    Mrs. Hodges

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