confidence · OBSERVATIONS · writing

Her First Letter

My in-laws drove down to Pennsylvania to watch Isabelle while my husband and I spent the weekend in Annapolis.  Until this weekend, we had only been away from her a total of four nights (i.e., at the same time) since she was born. Therefore, going away for two nights felt huge to us. However, we deserved some time away. Besides, we knew Isabelle would enjoy having special grandparent time as much as her grandparents would love having her to themselves for the entire weekend.

20130929-171744.jpgWe got home at two o’clock this afternoon.  On the kitchen island were a few crafts Isabelle made at the Carlisle Street Fair they took her to yesterday.  However, what caught my attention, more than the clothespin doll she made, was the letter she “wrote” to us.  Apparently Isabelle saw a pen and wanted to scribble with it. My mother-in-law gave her the pen and a blank piece of paper and let her write.  Then she added the words Dear Mommy and Daddy, and Love, Izzy to the page.

No big deal, right? It was just some scribbles, right?

Wrong. It was a big deal. Here’s why.

Isabelle woke up from her nap at 4 p.m. My husband and I spent a few minutes with her upstairs and then we came downstairs. We found ourselves in the kitchen. I grabbed the sheet of yellow paper and said, “I saw you wrote us a letter.”

Isabelle’s face lit up. She grinned with her entire face and shook her head, “Yes!”

“Thank you.  I loved your letter. It was so special.”

She beamed.

Even though she hadn’t written any words, Isabelle thought she wrote a letter.  And she did.  Her letter was received.  I responded to it.  That means her audience received her message.  And, my oh my… she was proud of herself.

16 thoughts on “Her First Letter

  1. What a great moment to share. I am so glad that you captured it here so that you (and she) will be able to look back on it years in the future! I’m glad it was an enjoyable moment for all.

  2. In this age of email and Twitter I seem to connect with others through writing a lot more than in years past; however, your wonderful post reminds me of the power of a “letter” (on paper) or a card or a note to make someone’s day! I need to write some paper notes and cards today (or at least tomorrow!)

  3. We have some artifacts from my daughter’s early years like that. My 17 year old came across a notebook she used for playing school and laughed so hard about it Grandparents have a trove of letters filed away. I wish I had written about them the way you have in this post. Enjoy what’s about to emerge in the next year!

  4. How lovely! May she never lose the joy of writing. The encouragement we get when we are young is what shapes the person we become later in life.

  5. And so a writer is born! Maybe in a few years, we are not just reading Isabelle’s mother’s blog, but actually reading Isabelle’s as well!

  6. A little writer is brewing! Your interaction with her was so sweet and I could see what her little beaming face must have looked like.

  7. Your slice sent me looking for the baby album to my daughter’s first letter… scribbles with words written for her by my friend superimposed… Dear Mommy and Daddy, How are you? I am fine. I love you. M… We were living in Panama, Central America (my husband was an Army chaplain). I was medevaced to Houston, Texas for surgery -all turned out well, but things were still uncertain when we got that precious little note. Oh, the power of words… little ones with someone to let them in on the secret are so blessed!

    Thanks for sharing your sweet letter and reminding me of mine!

  8. I love her letter to you, and the delight on her face when you received it. I read this several days ago when you first posted it. Have thought about it since then, and told my daughters about it.
    And really your story is about being seen. And how important it is to have our messages received.

  9. It is always wonderful to receive a handwritten letter or note, especially from our children or grandchildren. I think she is following in her Mother’s footsteps!

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