food · siblings · slice of life

Fruit Salad Frenzy

Ari started the fruit frenzy when he needed a kiwi and an apricot alongside his lunch. Isabelle wasn’t hungry, but Ari asked, “Do you want fruit?”

Isabelle said yes, leading to a bustling kitchen filled with joyful energy as my children eagerly embarked on an adventure to make a fruit salad.

It began with a random choice of apricots, setting the tone for the creative journey ahead. Berry containers soon emerged from the fridge, offering a vibrant assortment of strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, and raspberries. With each addition, their excitement grew, and the fruit bowl reached impressive heights.

Amidst their enthusiastic fruit piling, I gently intervened, reminding them to slow down and think about a realistic amount of fruit rather than engaging in excess.

In a tribute to their Splenda-loving mother, they couldn’t resist adding a touch of sweetness by sprinkling a few packets over the colorful medley. The kids tossed their fruit salad and served it to themselves.

Watching the kids wash and skillfully chop the fruits, I couldn’t help but admire their teamwork and shared purpose. In that moment, it became clear that this simple act of making a fruit salad was more than just part of a meal—it reflected their bond as siblings. It was not merely a combination of ingredients but a testament to the promise of shared summer experiences.

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7 thoughts on “Fruit Salad Frenzy

  1. One of my goals when I get to Boston each summer is to eat my weight in berries – they are sooooo expensive here. The salad prep sounds yummy!

  2. This is a great testament to family growth, dare I say metaphor?! I love the enthusiasm that leads to your realistic,”Whoa! How much of this bounty can you actually manage?” Wonderful harbinger of summer fruits(even the ones you can’t eat, but can certainly appreciate 😉) Happy salad days!

  3. For many years, I was given the task of making fruit salad (and cookies along with shrimp cocktail) for big Italian family celebrations. Over time, the fruit salad became a task that my children took as their own partly because they liked to eat it and also because they enjoyed the appreciation of their cousins, aunts and uncles! Over time, they began to shop with me for different fruits (at that time) such as kiwis and mangoes that would make our fruit salad unique! One time, our fruit salad was in a watermelon bowl created to look like one in a magazine! Yet, what I remember most is the teamwork that emerged making melon balls and strawberries turn into family memories. Thanks for your memory evoking post.

  4. Stacey,
    This bonding over making a fruit salad will have a lifelong impact on your children’s lives. I love that they love fruit and are indulging in berry deliciousness rather than baking cookies. The accompanying photos are wonderful, too. I love fruit, but I have to limit my fruit consumption because those berries are bulging w/ carbs. Same w/ many veggies. I wish meat had. arbs and not my favorite foods, fruits and veggies.

  5. Your description of all the fruit was luscious – made my mouth water – and the fruit salad as metaphor for sibling bonding is great. I can’t wait to hear about the summer adventures!

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