meditation · rituals · slice of life

Nighttime Meditation

Every night,

After a shower has been taken,

Teeth have been brushed,

A bladder has been emptied,

Stories have been read,

Lights have been turned off,

White noise has been turned on, and

Prayers have been said,

It’s time for a nightly meditation.

Every night,

After a meditation has been selected,

Ari lays on his back,

With Fluffy by his side.

Every night,

After Ari settles his head on his pillow,

He lays Fluffy on his back,

Paws up,

Snout facing the ceiling,

So that Fluffy — too —

Can meditate with us

Before we say

“Good night.”

Head over to Two Writing Teachers for more slice of life stories.

11 thoughts on “Nighttime Meditation

    1. Thanks! That actual image had to be staged since the lights are always off when he meditates. I’m thankful he was willing to let me take a pic of them before we turned off the lights. 🙂

  1. I love that you shared your nightly routine with your son and his beloved stuffed animal. I recently posted about my son’s stuffed animal and how Tigey has been through a lot with us. Such precious memories.

    1. My son and daughter were arguing over whether or not his stuffies were real. I read them THE VELVETEEN RABBIT so that she’d understand how stuffies become real. If you haven’t read that one to your son, yet, I highly suggest it. My son’s life was transformed once he knew that his animals were real.

  2. This is so, so similar to the nighttime routine at my house! My 9 year old surrounds herself with 3-4 stuffed toys – Noodle, Seashell, Sweetie, yes, there’s a Fluffy too – and listens to a prayer chant as she dozes off.

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