post-op life · slice of life

4/10 of a Mile #SOL20

Yesterday marked four weeks since my ankle reconstruction surgery. This meant I was allowed to put two-thirds of my body weight onto my foot while walking with crutches and in a CAM Walker boot. So, Isabelle and I went for a short walk outside. It wasn’t far, but it left me tired and refreshed.

I decided to take a walk after lunch today since I was craving oxygen. My dad insisted I have a chaperone so I enlisted him to join me.

My initial goal was to make it to the end of my street. However, by the time I reached the corner, I wanted to keep going. I made a left turn and walked further.

“How far are you going to go?” my dad asked.

“Maybe down to house 20 or 24,” I replied.

When I got to house #24, I felt like I could keep going. So I did.

About four houses later, I began to tire.

Two more houses down my arms started to ache from moving the crutches.

My dad must’ve noticed the reduction in my speed. He joked and said, “You could cut through there to get home faster.” I gave him a you-know-I’m-not-cutting-through-other-people’s-property-look. He must’ve read my mind since he replied, “I know you’re not going to do that.”

I pressed on. I rounded the corner back onto my street.

I felt like quitting by the time I was five houses away from our property. But I didn’t want to wimp out and ask my dad to get the car. I pressed on.

I was spent when I returned home. I asked my dad to take my coat and get me an ice pack. I asked Isabelle to help me up the stairs by carrying my crutches while I went up the stairs on my backside.

After my dad left the house this afternoon, he clocked the distance I walked. It was four-tenths of a mile. What a minuscule distance! In fairness to myself, I haven’t walked much in the past month so I know it’s reasonable to be exhausted!

Head over to for more slice of life stories.

25 thoughts on “4/10 of a Mile #SOL20

  1. 4/10 of a mile! HOORAY! That’s a fantastic start to the next part of your recovery. I can’t wait to hear that you’re back to walking regularly, but for now, this is worth celebrating! (And I love the graphs!)

  2. Hooray! This will be such a fun post to look back on when you’re up to 100% again. Amazing progress for the first day—definitely something to celebrate!

  3. Congratulations for getting out and walking as much as you did. I loved your reaching one goal and making a new one, and a new one, and a new one, and not giving up when you were almost home, although exhausted. You did more than you thought you would, and now you can rest.

  4. It may be baby steps, metaphorically, compared to where you were. Yet, you walked! I am imagining the victorious feeling you’ll have when you surpass your high mark from before the surgery. Your dad .. there for your protection … it’s what dads do best. Glad to know you are healing well and that you can get out in the fresh air.

  5. Look at the graph – the data – you are on your way back up! Your determination is admirable and I love the obvious, supportive, loving relationship that you and your dad share. It shines through!

  6. Good for you! I took off my fitbit at this time. There is enough stress in my life, I don’t need that thing beeping at me to keep moving. I will get in my walk with the dog and just enjoy it. Take care of yourself.

  7. Always remember, it’s easy to take one more step but it is one more step you’ll have to take upon returning! I’m glad you made it. Recovery is such a slow process but one day you will look back on it.

  8. What an achievement! These step counts do not tell the whole story. The story behind the numbers is much richer. The numbers reflect a story hidden beneath. Telling a story with numbers and graphs might be a fun way to retell an old fairy tale. Think of what infographs or line graphs could be generated by the story of the 3 bears or the 3 Little Pigs. hmmmmm

  9. That is something to celebrate! I’m so glad that your recuperation is continuing and that you were able to be out and about. Good news 🙂

  10. I love the graphs! Distance is all about context, right? We all need to push ourselves to do what we can, but not so much that it sets us back. So glad you are getting better!

  11. I wish crutches explained my dismal number of steps. I am learning just how many steps I put in going back and forth to the bathroom and the kitchen throughout a day!

  12. Hey, you made it all the way around the block! That’s a milestone to celebrate (preferably with ice on your elevated ankle, but still!) I know how difficult that first walking after reconstruction surgery is!

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