post-op life · slice of life

Running with Ice #SOL20

I’m supposed to keep an ice pack behind my knee on and off throughout the day. Seeing as I’m stuck on the second floor of my house — and the freezer is on the first floor — I am reliant on someone else to cycle the ice packs up and down the stairs throughout the day.

A few days ago, I asked Ari to place my uncool ice pack back in the freezer. I heard him walk down 16 stairs, run through the foyer, and into the kitchen where I heard my mom inquire, “Why are you opening the freezer?” He didn’t give her a response, but I heard the thud of the ice pack a second later on the shelf so I knew he deposited in the right place.

HOWEVER, if one asks Ari to bring an ice pack upstairs he’s not as good at following the direction. He’s brought me all sorts of ice packs, most of which are good for keeping food cold in a lunch bag or a cooler. Therefore, his help isn’t exactly helpful since someone else has to follow behind him with a soft ice pack for my leg.

This afternoon, I made a request for an ice pack. “See if Ari would like to bring it up to me.” I figured it would be a good way to visit with my little helper.

True to form, Ari agreed to help as soon as he was asked. I heard the freezer open, but then there was a commotion.
“Not that one, Ari!”
“That’s not the right ice pack!”
“Take this one!”

But he was already gone. His little legs created footfalls as he ran over the foyer floor, up 16 stairs, down the hallway, and into my bedroom. He appeared with a huge grin on his face with a declaration. “I got ice, Mommy!”

Isabelle came in right behind him, laughing, and declaring, “Silly boy! That’s not the right ice pack.”

And moments behind Isabelle was an adult… carrying the correct ice pack.

“Oh, Ari!” we said in unison.

My Super-Fashionable Wrap-Around-The-Knee Ice Pack

25 thoughts on “Running with Ice #SOL20

  1. I really do love your kids- which is a testament to you and how you write about them. So glad you are being well looked after (and impressed at all the places you are finding slices this month).

  2. Such a helper! Glad you get visitors while you’re laid up in the bed. This reminded me of when I was in a bad accident in Thailand while teaching preschool. The kids would bring me my ice packs from the class refrigerator when I needed one. Kids love to be helpers!

  3. I love the description of him going up and down the stairs. I can just imagine his little proud smile helping mom and Isabelle’s wise big sister smile right behind him.

  4. I love the images of him running down those 16 stairs and back up again. He’s obviously had some very good examples of what it means to care for another.

  5. Oh my goodness, how cute is Ari! (I love that name by the way)
    I bet he loves being a helper…even if he doesn’t usually bring the right kind of ice pack… I bet he thinks he is helping!

  6. There is such sweetness in this post…an enthusiastic little helper he is! I can just hear him bounding up and down the stairs, doing his best to help mom. Hope your recovery is on track!

  7. Such a character, no wonder he keeps you amused during these tedious days of being confined to your bed… goodness fancy having to have an ice pack under your knee during most of the day! Thanks for another humorous moment!

  8. I think points for thoughtfulness and cuteness! I have to look at my boys, and even at times my husband, for the effort hey are making to help and not evaluate on how I would do it. Done kind of is better than not at all for this stage of our life!

  9. I think inconsistent help is better than no help. What a little sweetie. I’m glad you have little helpers while you’re stuck upstairs. It doesn’t sound like much fun after the first day.

  10. So cute like “Oh David” It’s great that your kids are helping you. I always think that about my kids and my husband. Is any help better than no help? That requires me to give up control about how I like things done. I am learning. Get better!

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