activities of daily living · slice of life

Matching His Socks

Ari’s favorite color is red. He wants to wear red. Every. Single. Day.


Today was different. Ari picked out a yellow short-sleeve shirt from his drawer. I was shocked, but didn’t let it show since I’ve been washing his red shirts constantly.

“I need you to wear something on top of this shirt since it has short sleeves. How about this hoodie?” I asked.

“Okay,” he replied. I was surprised again since there wasn’t a speck of red on the hoodie I showed him.

“Would you like to pick your pants?” I asked.

“Yes,” he said as we slid open his pants drawer.

“Jeans or blue fleece pants?” I asked.

“Blue!” he declared.

I got Ari dressed. Then, I walked into my room to dress myself. He didn’t follow. Therefore, I walked back to his room to see what he was doing. (It was too quiet.) I found him on the floor with a pair of socks that he picked. Again, I was surprised since not only did they not have any red on them, but they matched his outfit perfectly.

“Did you pick those?” I asked.

“Yes!” he replied.

“Do you need help putting them on your feet?”

“I need help,” he said.

“I’ll help you,” I said sitting beside him to slide the perfectly-matched socks onto his feet.

Head over to on Tuesdays for more slice of life stories.

26 thoughts on “Matching His Socks

  1. It’s fascinating how they change – and how quickly! I wonder if red will be back tomorrow or if blue and yellow are here to stay? Also, have you read Red Is Best? This might be just the right picture book for the moment… or he might be a little too little.

  2. Just like that Ari’s ideas shifted. Growing and developing is such amazing alchemy. I never tire of observing how kids think, learn, and change. You go, amazing Ari!

  3. Isn’t it amazing how fast they can grow and change? Enjoy this time- later in the teens, they will be back to the same outfit every day – jeans and t shirt!

  4. Ahhh- the “me do” phase! You have to schedule in lots of buffer time for that. These morsels of life will be so fun to revisit when Ari’s older. He’s going to really chuckle at what you’ve captured!

  5. Do you remember the Olivia stories by Ian Falconer? All black-and-white, except Olivia’s accessories. She loved the color red. How much fun to watch Ari each day and observe these changes and he discovers more about himself, his family, and the world around him. Each day, a new page to write on!

  6. Wow, kids can be so surprising! No red today!? Love the dialogue, Stacey. I feel like it shows the typical way parental time goes by… slower. But then the child’s passage of time…quicker. They change so quickly, it feels! Thanks for this 🙂

  7. another sweet post! Matching… my 7th grader still doesn’t match – still doesn’t care. He still HATES wearing jeans too (he even wrote a song about his distaste for jeans once). Sometimes I still catch him trying to match green with another shade of green and it totally doesn’t match… Then there is my daughter, a fifth grader. She loves to mismatch everything, but somehow it works for her.

  8. Your dialogue puts me in the room!
    I love the outfits my kids used to pick out – I never knew what they would come down wearing each morning. I learned to let go of matching outfits unless it was a special occasion.

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