slice of life · weather

Snow Baby

Today was not a relaxing snow day simply for the fact that I spent much of it out of my home. I had a medical procedure scheduled for 10:00 a.m. I was determined to get there due to the flare-up in pain I’ve had in my neck/shoulder/wrist for the past three weeks. While I made it there a few minutes early, I spent much of my day white-knuckling my steering wheel as I drove to and from the appointment s-l-o-w-l-y on unplowed roads.

The highlight of my day came after Ari woke up from his nap. Marc and Isabelle were outside building a snowman. I poked my head out the door and asked if they were interested in company. (They were!) Despite my desire to lay on the couch with ice packs, I bundled Ari and myself up and headed outside.

Once we were outside, I realized this was Ari’s first time “playing” in the snow. Initially, he didn’t know how to move or what to do. As the minutes passed, Ari got comfortable playing, walking, and getting gentle sled rides down the driveway. In fact, he didn’t want to go inside for dinner.

I smiled as I removed Ari’s snowsuit, booties, mittens, and hat. Despite being achy, I was thrilled I steeled myself so that I could watch my kids play in the snow — together! — for the first time. It made what was otherwise an exhausting day brighter.

13 thoughts on “Snow Baby

  1. Hope you are feeling better. I remember those days when my kids would get all bundled up to play in the snow. What fun….until one needed to use the potty! I have been slammed by four Nor’easters in the past three weeks and live right in the bull’s eye zone. Your post made me smile – something I haven’t been doing much of lately! Thanks.

  2. “I was thrilled I steeled myself so that I could watch my kids play in the snow” this is a great line. Mothers are experts at “steeling” themselves for their kids. I am glad you made it safely to your appointment and I hope this finds you amid melting snow and pain free! Thanks for sharing!

  3. Going out in the snow is such sensory overload for young ones, huh? I remember when we took our son out in it for the first time – he hated it. It was too much for him; the cold, the snow against his skin, etc. Once they understand what the snow is and what it is about, then the sensory inundation seems to subside.

  4. Sorry you had to get out in the snow, I’m sure the tension from the driving didn’t help at all. What fun to watch Ari’s reaction to snow. I bet big sister was quite the role model for how to play in the snow.

  5. Hope you are feeling better! The pictures are so cute. My kids do not like to play in the snow and is it horrible that I’m grateful? I hate being out there….and now they do, too!

  6. Stacey, sounds like there was some positive to the day. I love watching my kids play together in the snow, too. Although, now they’re so sick of it they just want it to go away.

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