slice of life

Rainy Day

Last week, I lamented about the final days of summer vacation. I didn’t want to wish them away, but the days felt l-o-n-g.

Yesterday, Isabelle began first grade. However, Ari and I had a busy day, which was filled with a PTO Breakfast, a Neighborhood Moms’ Mimosa Party, and a medical appointment. Seeing as Ari woke me up during the four o’clock hour yesterday morning, I was exhausted by 3:00 p.m. However, I didn’t stop moving until after 10:00 p.m.


We look ridiculous. I know.

Today was Isabelle’s second day of first grade and what felt like getting back to normal of my days with just Ari. We had NO plans today. It rained all day, which meant it was the perfect day to stay indoors. I retrieved and cleaned some of Isabelle’s old baby toys from the basement so Ari could explore new items. We read books. We snuggled. We even goofed around with the camera function on Facebook!


Ari is still napping twice a day (for now), which means I should have ample time to work while he sleeps. Despite needing to work on WELCOME TO WRITING WORKSHOP and prepping for this school year’s consults and speaking engagements, I didn’t get all that much work done since I had so many phone calls to make. Even though it was day two of Isabelle’s school year, I am cutting myself some slack. I didn’t get to take a luxurious nap like Ari did, but I got things accomplished and spent lots of quality time with my son. That matters.

7 thoughts on “Rainy Day

  1. Indeed, it matters. And speaking as a mom whose boy is a senior in high school, I say, savor those rainy days. Invest enough love and time and patience and effort into your parenting so that it can carry you through the difficult teenage years, and give you happy memories to replay in your mind when the current reality is not so cheery. Carry on: the puddles await!

  2. We concern ourselves so much with getting things done. I’m trying to relax and be in the moment a bit more often this year. My children are grown and out on their own, but it’s still a challenge to just be.
    Enjoy your little ones!

  3. There’s fun to be had making loose plans when one has no plans. When I went back to reread your slice, looking for a winning line to lift, that’s when I noticed the picture of you and Ari, goofing around. Awesome moment!

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