Jewish · slice of life

Jumping for Joy on Shabbat #sol16

I have taken at least one photo of Isabelle nearly every day of her life. When I realized I didn’t have a picture of her just before we were ready to light the Shabbat candles, I grabbed my phone and snapped one. But I couldn’t get her to stand still.

In motion… as always.

Isabelle was standing on her helper tower, waiting for Shabbat to begin, jumping up and down. (Something we’ve cautioned her about time and time again since her helper tower wasn’t designed for jumping.)

A minute before I lit the candles, I captured this photo of her:

It is customary for women to cover their eyes while they say the blessing over the Sabbath candles.

I like this one better, but the one of her jumping makes me think she was just as excited as I am for the weekend to be here. Or perhaps it captures her age and the fact that she doesn’t stay still for long.

Either way, I got the photo I needed.

13 thoughts on “Jumping for Joy on Shabbat #sol16

  1. It definitely captures her age and her inability to stay still for long! That’s what so infuriating and wonderful about it. It’s like magic to actually get a still shot from them. I do really like it when you add informative captions like these above. It explains your religious culture in ways I never knew, or had forgotten about from theology studies in high school.

  2. I think pictures like this are the best! Way better than the ones that people pose for. You get the full flavor of her personality and how she was feeling at the time of the photo 🙂

  3. Wonderful photos, both the action shot and the momentarily still shot. I just read several of your slices (never able to visit as many blogs as I’d like) and I loved the pancakes for National Pancake Day, especially the whipped cream on top!

  4. Love them both y both share something about her enthusiasm for and understanding of what is going on.

  5. Totally adorable! Also, I love that helper tower. I noticed you mentioned it in an earlier post (I think when she was helping make pancakes). I don’t remember that awesome invention being available when my boys were her age – super cool idea…

  6. I always love when you share about your traditions, because I know very little about Jewish culture. And I love the juxtaposition in these two pictures: joy and solemnity, childlike delight and mature tradition. So neat!

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