slice of life

The Straw That Broke The Camel’s Back #sol16

I’ve been meaning to call Camelbak about the water that’s been spurting out of my daughter’s water bottle for weeks now. However, I’ve had so many other things on my plate that this has fallen off of it time after time after time.

Do you see the drips of water coming down the back of the driver's seat? That doesn't even do justice to how much water was there, but it should give you a taste of the situation.
Do you see the drips of water coming down the back of the driver’s seat? That doesn’t even do justice to how much water was there, but it should give you a taste of the situation.

I must make the call today because a geyser of water shot up at Isabelle when she flipped the top of her “spill-resistant” water bottle. Water didn’t just shoot out; it spurted all over the back of the driver’s seat, all over her jeans, and all over the floor.

Fortunately, it was warm outside and Isabelle was hot, so she laughed despite the fact she was soaked!

I’m going to call Camelbak as soon as I hit “publish.” It’s time for a new water-bottle top!

Drinking what was left of her water.
Drinking what was left of her water.
Head over to  for more slices of life.
Head over to for more slices of life.

17 thoughts on “The Straw That Broke The Camel’s Back #sol16

  1. Within five minutes of posting this, I was on the phone with Camelbak who instructed me to fill out a warranty claim online. I wish I knew how easy this was since I already put in a request for a new bottle top. Wow! It should be on its way to us soon. đŸ™‚

  2. Stacey, now that you mention it, I encourage my first graders to have water bottles on their desks. One little kiddo in particular has a pink Camelback. It leaks AlL over the place! And those things are expensive! Good luck with your phonecall.

  3. I bet the spray of water was refreshing yesterday. Here, it was 82….in March! Hope you get a new top for this water bottle or new water bottle out of your phone call. I admire you, Stacey, for making the time to do this in your busy life. I probably would just buy a new one. Love the photo of Isabelle!

  4. This reminds me of all the things on my to do list… Always takes something big to spur me to action on those annoying tasks, and I’m often happily surprised that it isn’t such a big deal once I actually do it!

  5. Sounds like things already worked out. I’m thinking this might be a common problem since they made it so easy to correct. At least you picked the right day for a shower!

  6. Things like that are so frustrating. I usually don’t say anything and just let it go. But today I did the same thing. I ordered something from Amazon two months ago, and I still have not received it. Filed a complaint but a phone call is coming tomorrow! Hopefully I will have the same service you did.

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