oral stories · slice of life · Waldorf Education

“Sitting” for an Oral Story/Puppet Show

There is a routine every time we follow every time my daughter and I attend parent/child class.  It goes like this:

free play

circle time





story time

closing song

outdoor play time

Free play begins at 9:00 a.m.  Snack time is usually around 10:45 a.m.  Therefore, story time happens around 11:15 a.m.  It’s a long morning for a two year-old by the time story time arrives.  Therefore, my daughter is tired.

For the past two days we’ve been at school she has laid down on her lily pad (aka: Boppy pillow) during the story.  Her pals (also two years-old) haven’t loved that.  Last Wednesday one little girl repeatedly implored her to share her lily pad.  She said, “Isabelle, share,” multiple times.  Isabelle wasn’t into it.  She continued to lay on her belly, eyes on the story.

Today, one of the little boys was displeased she had chosen to lay on the ground during the story time (which is an oral story and puppet show rolled into one).  He commanded her to “sit up and sit on my lap.”

His mom and I stifled giggles.  “Did you hear him?” she mouthed to me.

“Yes!” I mouthed back.

But Isabelle wasn’t into it.  She didn’t comply.  Instead she kept laying on the floor, head on the Boppy pillow, eyes on her teacher from her flat vantage point.  (BTW: Her teacher was telling a story that included the most exquisite felted animals.  I was captivated.  But in Isabelle’s defense, the story was about 8 – 10 minutes long.)

Eventually, Isabelle tired of the little boy asking her to sit up.  So, she did the unexpected.  She stood up and tried to run away.  One of the other moms got to her and brought her back before I did.  She laid down and then popped up again.  This time I caught up with her and said, “this is what we’re doing right now.”  I led her back to the story time by the hand.  But then she wanted to get up close and personal with her teachers puppet play board.  She went right up to it and grabbed a large pine cone (that symbolized a tree in the forest).  I promptly grabbed it from her  hand, put it back on the board, lifted her up, and held her ’til the end of the story.

Snip, snap, snout. This tale is told out.

With those words, I released Isabelle from my arms so we could sing the good-bye song.

I wonder what will happen during Wednesday’s story time…

11 thoughts on ““Sitting” for an Oral Story/Puppet Show

  1. What great documenting Stacey. You have a kid who beats to her own drum and you are working hard to find the balance between respecting that and setting boundaries.
    Is there a book cooking?

  2. I love the way blessings fit right smack in the middle of the day – blessings for kiddos, their sweet routines, and the joy in being able to share these moments with them.

  3. Sounds like a child exploring boundaries, & maybe not liking the story ‘this’ time. It’s a constant surprise what the little ones will do, & unfortunately they still can’t tell you. Fun to hear Stacey!

  4. You capture the moments with your daughter with such clarity. She will cherish these glimpses of her life as she grows up and re-reads them. Thank you for sharing these magical moments.

  5. I like how you document without judgement. Figuring out what is going on in a head and a heart of a child, then trying to choose what is the best reaction to needs and actions, takes a lot of patience and wisdom. I admire your calmness.

  6. This part I loved…He commanded her to “sit up and sit on my lap”. I also loved that you had those giggles with the other mom. No one in this group seems uptight at all and that is the way it should be. If it was me there, I probably would have had my pillow, blankee and thumb and would have enjoyed it from that position also. I could visualize this whole piece. PS I’m sending this link to my daughter and Sammie….so cute

  7. There is one more than way to listen, Stacey. Thanks for reminding me of this, both as a parent of 2 young ones and as a teacher. I’ll probably chant that to myself a few times over the next few weeks!

  8. hahaha, I was giggling at each new unexpected thing she did! The little details (like “Boppy Pillow”) made it so easy to see the whole episode in my head. I think my favorite part was actually the way you introduced your link: “There is more than one way to listen.” So important to remember and teach: there is not just one right way of doing something. Thanks for the cute reminder!

  9. The story of story time was so well described I could picture it like a movie…glad to hear Isabelle was able to enjoy the story in her own way-she sounds fiercely independent and strong willed! Go girl go!
    Thanks for sharing this glimpse into her world!

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