slice of life · speech

Inventing Her Own Speech Game

Speech/picture cards — all cleaned up!

I overheard Isabelle calling out familiar words from her play room as I cleaned up our breakfast dishes.  I turned off the water to take a better listen. As I got closer, I saw her dropping some of the cards her music therapist and former speech therapist made for her into her favorite beach pail. As she picked up each card, she said the word aloud. Once she said it, she dropped it in the bucket. Once I stopped kvelling about her making up her own speech game, I grabbed my iPhone and took a stealth video of her from the kitchen.  (NOTE: She wasn’t dressed for the day yet. She was wearing her woolies, which go under her clothes!)

Yes! You heard her say “Starbucks Lady” and “duckie.”  She also saw the song cards for “Pat a Cake” and “This Little Piggy.” which she recited aloud.

BUT… you want to know what was even more precious (and equally appreciated by this mom)? She cleaned up all of the cards and put them away in her folder when she was done.  That NEVER happens! Not sure how I got so lucky today!

25 thoughts on “Inventing Her Own Speech Game

  1. It looks like she’s saying the words to her stuffed animal sitting in front of her. I’m so glad you captured this moment! It’s precious. Thank you for sharing! I have a big smile on my face. 🙂

    1. Oh, that is a good one! I was suffering from a white mocha addiction during the last school year. I’d go through the drive thru Starbucks a few times a week. Isabelle would say “ba-ba” for Starbucks. Once we started using the Kaufman Speech to Language Protocol, I decided to shape the word into “bar-buh,” then “tar-buh.” Now we’re up to “Sar-buk!”
      I now have a Keurig Vue since my habit was getting pricey. That being said, whenever she sees a Starbucks, she gets really excited. She wants to go there. If she sees the Siren on any signage, on a Starbucks location, or even on a package of coffee in the grocery store, she gets super excited and says, “Sar-buk Lady!”
      Maybe I’ll do one of my March slices from a Starbucks location. She LOVES going there for steel-cut oatmeal (and I still love their coffee), so it’ll be a win-win-win situation!

  2. What a great game! How nice to have a phone to capture all of these great little moments. I’m thinking of all of those that slipped right through our fingers before all of this quick technology. Congrats on your 200th post!!!!!

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